
Week 3: Formatting in HTML; Using GeoCities

I found learning the formatting information for HTML pretty cool. I dabble just a little with graphic design so I found this section very informative in helping spiff up websites. One thing I found helpful when choosing font styles was to open up Word to check out what possible fonts to choose from (if you are on a MAC you are lucky, you probably have a font book on your desktop and don’t have to go through the trouble of searching for font styles).

Now, when it came to working on the “what you have learned so far” section, I’ll admit I had to cheat and use my notes and the book. I am a big fan of copy/paste so I found that it is a real time saver when working in HTML. Why reinvent the wheel? You just have to be careful of what you are pasting and where – spend a couple of extra minutes to double check everything. The GeoCities part of this assignment was my favorite to date. It was the chance to be a little more creative and use what we have learned. Overall, I spent probably close to 4 hours on this week’s assignments.

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