
Week 13: Typography in Dreamweaver

Working with tags is somewhat cumbersome, so I was happy to see that creating and formatting text in Dreamweaver is pretty simple. The use of the tag is in the process of being omitted, so please visit the XHTML links on the right for more information. This week when working with fonts, we also learned about how the structure of a page can be improved with the use of efficient headings. Some of the elements we learned this week were also covered in my introduction to Graphic Design course, so for me the content in Chapter 7 was very beneficial. The other portion of the assignment was to plan for the final project. Overall this week, I spent about 5 hours. I did have some trouble finding websites that I liked that offered free hosting.


Week 12: Working with Selectors in Dreamweaver

This week's assignment goal was to work with selectors in Dreamweaver. The program is very user friendly, but for some reason this week was a little more difficult to understand the mechanics of what was happening. As stated previously, Dreamweaver makes life easy, but the challenge this week was remembering all of the steps needed to set up various selectors. Below you will find a video I found helpful from the smart people at Lynda.com. Overall, I spent about 7 hours this week, I had to read and re-read to get the information to sink and understand what is happening on the Design vs. Code side.


Week 11: Working with CSS in Dreamweaver

At first Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can be a little daunting. Overall they are an amazing way to streamline the webdesign process. Dreamweaver makes using CSS pretty simple. Dreamweaver even provides a reference guide for assistance on assorted topics. Once a style sheet has been created, it is very easy to apply the style to other pages within Dreamweaver. For more information there is another fantastic blog all about CSS to check out too. Overall, this week I spent nearly 7 hours total on assignments. I had a little trouble accidentally deleting a style sheet and had to redo and resave, but it was good practice.

Week 10: Creating Links in Dreamweaver

As I mentioned in the previous week's posting, Dreamweaver is a dream! This week we learned about creating links and anchors. Can you click? Can you drag? It is basically that simple! Of course there are a few more steps involved, but Dreamweaver makes the process very easy. Another feature of Dreamweaver allows you to flip between views. We are encouraged to flip from Design View to Code View to remain exposed to HTML. I am sure this will come as no surprise but Adobe has an excellent tutorial on creating links. Overall this week I spent about 6 hours on the assignment.