
Taking BE 170

This class has been extremely rewarding! It is one of the first online course I have taken when everyone is willing to pitch in and help out. It makes for a wonderful learning experience! This is the second class I have taken with Carrie Delcourt and both courses have been organized, fun, and easy to follow. I am an art major, but am interested in learning more about the web design realm, I will keep an eye out for any future BE classes Carrie is teaching for sure.
Thanks for a great semester everyone!

Final Project in Dreamweaver

I had the toughest time this week. I was very excited about creating a website! Dreamweaver is a fun progam. I consider myself pretty good with other Adobe programs like Photoshop & Illustrator, but for some reason this week Dreamweaver and I had problems. (Mostly I though, undoubtedly!). So far I have done pretty good with the assignments consider Dreamweaver. But to start from scratch, I think I panicked. I created a map and a plan, but somehow got lost along the way. Kind of like taking a blank canvas, getting your paints ready, your rough draft sketches all set, and then forgetting how to paint??? Anyway, I am sure time had a great deal to do with my failure on this final project. I simply did not invest enough time the past few chapters to 'really' get the most out of Dreamweaver. I am not giving up though. I plan to buy the program and 'master' it at least to the comfortability level of Photoshop & Illustrator which I love.


Week 14: Using Tables in Dreamweaver

The focus of this week's assignment was using tables. We had previously worked on creating tables in HTML so it was interesting to see it applied to Dreamweaver also. What I liked about this assignment in dreamweaver is that part of the assignment required us to work in "code" mode not just "design" mode. Whether creating tables in HTML or using the awesome Dreamweaver I will always have to use a book or notes to help me. They are not hard to understand; but there are many little steps to remember to follow. Overall this week I spent about 6 hours working on the Dreamweaver assignment and the Wiki Critique, but it was very good practice!